Rob's Genealogy

Notable People

The list below shows some of the “notable” people from this database. Mostly these are direct ancestors who have made an impact in their community or had interesting stories. The list is not all inclusive, and will grow over time as I have more time to research and document the activities of others in this database. Individuals are listed alphabetically within each category.

Farmers, Businessmen, and Leaders

  • Barr, Robert Steele (1797-1852) – Successful businessman and newspaper publisher; trustee of Columbia College and one of the original incorporators of Christian College in Columbia, Missouri; also helped provide funds to secure the location of the University of Missouri in Boone County. Woodson relation.
  • Cobb, Alexander Allen (1820-1887) – Served as a Justice of the Peace for Fayette County Alabama; Elected Alabama state representative for Fayette County in 1861, 1863, and 1865. Cobb relation.
  • Cobb, Bryant Alexander (1795-1881) – Served as a Justice of the Peace for Madison County Alabama. Cobb Relation.
  • Cobb, Williamson Robert Winfield (1807-1864) – U.S. Congressman representing Jackson County, Alabama, from March 4, 1847 until 30 January, 1861. He was the last congressman from his state to leave Washington after the outbreak of the civil war, regretting his state's decision to secede from the Union. Cobb Relation.
  • Grayson, John Clan (1770-1826) – Large landowner and one of the first settlers in Madison County, Alabama. Cobb relation.
  • Isbell, Lewis (1751-1796) – Virginia farmer who developed a new strain of wheat. Woodson relation.
  • Singleton, Seth (1800-Unk) – Large and wealthy landowner in Evangeline and St. Landry Parishes of Louisiana. Woodson relation.
  • Taylor, Zachary (1784-1850) – 12th President of the United States. Woodson relation.
  • Woodson, William Cowper (1813-1890) – Large and wealthy landowner in St. Louis, Missouri. Woodson relation.

Pioneers and Immigrants

  • Brown, James – Immigrated to South Carolina on 20 Dec 1772 from Ireland aboard the ship "Lord Dunluce"; was part of Rev. William Martin's Reform Presbyterian group seeking religious freedom and given land in the back country of South Carolina to start communities and help expand the Colony. Woodson relation.
  • McDill, Thomas (1725-1794) – Overthrew a crew of mutineers intent on selling him and his fellow passengers into slavery in Bermuda and “captained” the ship into Charleston, South Carolina. Woodson relation.
  • Winston, Sarah (c.1590-1659) – Successfully defended her sons – John and Robert Woodson – from an Indian attack by hiding them under a large washtub and in a potato hole, respectively, forever grouping their descendants as either “Washtub Woodsons” or “Potato Hole Woodsons.” Woodson relation.
  • Woodson, John (1586-1644) – Surgeon and Jamestown settler, he was killed by Indians within sight of his home (see Sarah Winston). Woodson relation.

The Macabre

  • Albert, Francis (1719-1756) – Scalped by Indians. Woodson relation.
  • Duncan, William Robert (1627/28-1690/91) – Covenant Presbyterian Minister allegedly refused to take a Jacobite Oath ordered by King Charles of England. Allegedly beheaded in or near Glasgow in January 1690/91 and buried at the foot of mount Schiehallion, a prominent mountain in Perth and Kinross, Scotland. His descendants fled to the American colonies following his death. Woodson relation.